Thursday, 22 October 2015

Thirteen Thing Thursday #1

Welcome one and all to the inaugural Thirteen Thing Thursday...sort of shamelessly pilfered from  inspired by Cely at Running off the Reeses' 'Fifteen Thing Friday' and Janae at HungryRunnerGirl's 'Tangent Tuesday'.

1. I signed up for the Cambridge Half Marathon! The last half marathon I did was very hilly so I am excited for a fast, flat course...

2. Quinoa and oats porridge is my jam. I used the recipe from Thug Kitchen for my breakfasts all of this week - cooked on Sunday and reheated all week - and it has been deeeeeeeeeeeelicious. Some frozen raspberries and blueberries on top and a tiny smidge of sugar and BAM. Happiness in a bowl.

3. I'm really excited for the next episode of TREAT YO SHELF. This week I'll be talking about sports in children's books and while I still need to plan the show, I'm feeling increasingly confident about the technical side of it and about enjoying myself on air and running a fairly decent show.

4. Not enough Mindy in Mindy Project this week. 

Exactly. How could you not write in more of her gloriousness. My Minday was ever so slightly disappointing as a result.

5. My Wednesday nights still feel empty without Bake Off...

6. ...but my Saturdays are filled with the shining light that is Strictly!

7. My mum just texted me and said she booked tickets for the new Star Wars film at Christmas. Exciting!

8. I'm reading Terrier by Tamora Pierce at the minute, and whilst I'm not loving it like the Alanna, Daine and Kel series (which I suppose I have quite a lot of nostalgia and emotion for), it is coming soon! I'll probably review the whole trilogy at once when I finish reading them all.

9. I wish it were easier to help your friends be happy. When I see friends breaking up, making tough decisions, standing strong for their family amongst issues, I just want to give them a hug and support them. But not being able to actively do anything to improve these situations does fully suck.

10. I'm going to attempt to use November this year to do NaNoWriMo as well as catch up on a lot of PhD work. My wordcount per day will be 1,667 fiction and 1,667 academic. I know it sounds crazy but the trouble I have getting words on the page is not to be underestimated. Getting down to some planning next week to make sure it all goes as smoothly as it possibly can...

11. On top of NaNo and my academic writing I'm also going to be writing some features for one of the student newspapers here, the Blue Bird. I'm hoping to kick it all off by writing a weekly feature on how top student athletes fare after they leave Cambridge. Watch this space!

12. Speaking of student athletes, it's the yearly sporting alumni reunion of my college this weekend...Old Boys. There are rugby, football, hockey and netball matches with a rowing outing for good measure and then a big dinner in the evening. I'm sort of looking forward to it, but not, because it makes me feel old, and not a lot of my friends are coming back for it, but there will be people there who I only see once a year, and that is quite fun.

13. But regardless of what happens with Old Boys at the weekend, it doesn't matter because my family are in town! My parents and brother are coming to visit me and my sister because my brother was meant to be graduating but forgot to register in time (classic Bruce). Anyway they'll be here and that makes me happy. Here's to more pictures like this (and I can't seem to find one with all of us in. Note to self: that is a task for the weekend):

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